New Support contract for General Hospital of Athens HIPOKRATIO

Dear friends and partners,
We are delighted to announce that our company has re-commissioned the Tadiran Telecom telecommunication systems of the General Hospital of Athens HIPOKRATIO for the following year with the possibility of renewing six months.
In this way we continue our long and successful cooperation with the hospital by providing it with secure and indiscriminate telecommunication services.


New Audio Conference systems supplied to E.O.F.

We are very pleased to inform you that our company has supplied EOF with modern Audio Conference systems that connect one or more conference rooms to the outside via Android ™ 4.4 and full access to the Google Play Store ™ for apps like Skype ™, Google Hangouts ™ and custom Android ™ applications but also through bluetooth and smartphone connectivity.


Support contract of telecom systems of ALEXANDRA Hospital

Dear friends and partners,

It is with great pleasure that we announce that our company has taken over the maintenance of the telecommunication systems of General Hosital “ALEXANDRA” for the next 2 years.
In this way we continue our long and successful cooperation with the hospital by providing secure and continuous telecommunications services.